Community news|31/10/22

MSDs: it’s European Week for Safety and Health at Work!

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > MSDs: it’s European Week for Safety and Health at Work!

The European Week for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) – #EUhealthyworkplaces – starts today, with hundreds of events, initiatives and promotional events organized by EU-OSHA.

Among the initiatives, the Agency cites those of :

  • CEMBUREAU for the European cement industry,
  • the Irish Health and Safety Authority on MSD risk assessment and good practice
  • the Ministry of Labour of Slovenia and its national good practice award winners
  • the Maltese OSH Authority on psychosocial risks.

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OSH: issues and prospects at the heart of a EUROGIP seminar in Brussels

At an internal seminar in Brussels in mid-January, the EUROGIP team discussed occupational health and safety (OHS) in Europe with Bozica Matic (European Parliament EMPL Committee) and Ignacio Doreste (ETUC). These discussions shed light on the legislative dynamics and future priorities for worker protection.