Community news|25/03/21

Napo is back to fight MSDs in the workplace

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Napo is back to fight MSDs in the workplace

Since 2007, when Napo introduced his Lighten the Load film to raise awareness about work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), the still high prevalence of this serious health problem in Europe, has inspired Napo to present 6 new video clips, once again full of humour and good advice.

Sedentary work, monotonous and repetitive movements, lack of physical activity and lifting heavy loads are some of the risk factors that Napo, Napette and the Boss confront to stop or reduce the musculoskeletal suffering in the workplace. Early intervention, technical and organisational preventive measures, ergonomic equipment and musculoskeletal health since the school age parade from scene to scene to convey a simple message: work-related MSDs can be prevented.

Napo in…Lighten the Load – 2021 

Visit the website of the 2020-22 campaign

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