
NETHERLANDS: fall risk on construction sites remains high

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > NETHERLANDS: fall risk on construction sites remains high

Of the 200 construction sites it visited in the country, the Dutch Labour Inspectorate found more than 250 violations of safety provisions on about 140 sites. In some cases the situation was so dangerous that work was stopped immediately.

“Many accidents, which can be serious or fatal, can simply be avoided by complying with the Working Environment Act and taking the right safety measures”, explains project manager Jane Tijssen of the Labour Inspectorate. She particularly emphasised the risk of falling from roofs, to which solar panel installers and roofers are particularly exposed. For example, there was no scaffolding, fencing or handrails. After a stoppage, work cannot be resumed until it has been demonstrated that the situation is safe again.

In almost half of the cases, companies are fined for violating the Working Conditions Act. A number of companies got away with a warning. In these cases there was no direct danger or it was a minor offence.

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