
Occupational injuries branch: find out about its 2023 OHS standardisation activity

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Occupational injuries branch: find out about its 2023 OHS standardisation activity

As the representative of the French “Accidents at work and Occupational diseases” (AT/MP) insurance scheme at European and international level, EUROGIP coordinates and manages the network of experts involved in the drafting of CEN and ISO standards on “Occupational health and safety” (OHS). It publishes the 2023 activity report.

Within this activity, priority is given to standards :

  • in areas where there is a high risk of changes to OSH requirements during periodic revisions,
  • where emerging technical issues have a strong OSH dimension
  • where the “improvement of working conditions” is a declared priority in the work programme of the standardisation bodies.

Each year, EUROGIP publishes a report specifically devoted to the standardisation activity of the Occupational Risks and Diseases Section, which gives details, by subject, of the standards monitored, thanks to the collection of reporting information organised with the experts. This report is distributed within the Branch, but a shorter version (available in French only) is intended for a wider audience.

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