Community news|30/09/24

OSH: the 2024 European Funding Guide is now available

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > OSH: the 2024 European Funding Guide is now available

The new EU-OSHA guide aims to provide an overview of the different sources of EU funding available to support occupational safety and health (OSH) activities, initiatives and projects.

The guide is aimed at the following different target groups:

  • National Authorities (Ministries of Labour, National occupational safety and health institutes, Labour Inspectorates, etc.)
  • Social partners in the Member States (employers’ organisations, trade unions)
  • EU sectoral social dialogue partners
  • Researchers/research institutes
  • OSH professionals (private experts/consultants, external prevention services, OSH networks, etc.)
  • Enterprises (SMEs and large companies)
  • Legal entities
  • Civil society organisations.

The guide focuses on two main sources of European funding: those managed directly by the European Commission and those managed jointly by the Member States.
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