
Platform work: a new EUROGIP Focus to help you understand the new directive

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Platform work: a new EUROGIP Focus to help you understand the new directive

Following the publication of the new European Directive aimed at improving working conditions on digital platforms, EUROGIP is publishing a detailed Focus to shed light on the key points of this text, which is the result of intense negotiations since the European Commission’s initial proposal in December 2021.

This directive has two main objectives: firstly, to establish a presumption of employee status for platform workers throughout the European Union and, secondly, to establish a framework of rules, rights and obligations with regard to algorithmic management. In fact, it represents the first European regulation on the use, management and transparency of algorithms in the world of work, albeit limited to the digital platform sector.

The EUROGIP Focus provides a comprehensive analysis of the Directive. It sets out the main objectives set by the European Commission, traces the course of the lengthy negotiations between the Member States and the European institutions, details the final content of the Directive and assesses the expected impact of this pioneering regulation for the platform sector.

Download the Focus (in French, to be published later in English)

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