Community news|03/12/18

Psychosocial risk management in the workplace in Europe

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Psychosocial risk management in the workplace in Europe

EU-OSHA publishes the synopsis of a report on psychosocial risk management in the workplace in Europe, based on the second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2).

This document examines PSR management problems and factors, their determinants and the influence of different national and organizational contexts. It reveals that changes in the working world have increased workers’ exposure to PSRs. The level of risk and the efficiency of risk management vary according to the sectors and countries.

Based on the conclusions of a quantitative analysis of ESENER-2 data, combined with other national data, it is shown that the national context (culture, economy and occupational safety and health initiatives of the social partners) influences the level of PSR management. However, irrespective of the national context, the commitment of the management and workers is probably the most effective driving force for PSR management.


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