Community news|07/05/14

Rail sector: The European social partners unite for prevention of psychosocial risks

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Rail sector: The European social partners unite for prevention of psychosocial risks

Voie ferreeOn 11 March 2014, the European social partners in the rail sector adopted recommendations concerning the identification and prevention of psychosocial risks (PSR) in their sector. The main objective is to “help improve working conditions in the rail sector by tackling the problem of psychosocial risks“. The social partners recommend that enterprises establish specific measures and raise awareness of PSR among managers, workers and their representatives. The aim is to enable all these players to detect early warning signs of these risks. The social partners want to encourage the adoption by the trade unions and enterprises of strategies and measures for PSR prevention and management.

To effectively combat PSR, the social partners recommend a 4-step approach:

  • Identification and evaluation of PSR.
  • Inclusion of the PSR issue in corporate policy.
  • Establishment of prevention measures.
  • Evaluation of the measures and expected effects.

The social partners encourage discussion between managers and workers throughout these four steps. They also give a reminder that the training of managers, workers and their representatives is essential in order to effectively combat PSR.

An evaluation of these recommendations will be performed in three years’ time in order to revise the text if necessary.

See the Recommendations

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