
Register for the sixth EUROSHNET Conference on standardization, testing and certification

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Register for the sixth EUROSHNET Conference on standardization, testing and certification

Registration has started for this European conference on the theme “Be smart, stay safe together – Innovative products and workplaces”, which will be held from 12 to 14 June 2019 in Dresden (Germany).

The conference is organized within the framework of the EUROSHNET network, a joint project by Eurogip and INRS for France, KAN and DGUV (Germany), CIOP-PIB (Poland), FIOH (Finland) and INSHT (Spain) which brings together occupational health and safety experts involved in standardization work.

Papers, workshops and interactive programmes will give those attending the 2019 conference an opportunity to discuss their experience and communicate concerning what they expect of innovative products and work stations.

The preliminary programme will be published by the end of the year.

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