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Registrate to the 2018 EUROGIP Discussions

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Registrate to the 2018 EUROGIP Discussions

The digital transformation is changing our daily lives, from a personal or professional point of view. What is its impact on health and safety at work? While this aspect is still rarely dealt with, it will be at the heart of our next European Discussions.

The roundtables will address various aspects: the influence of ICTs onwork organization, the opportunities offered by the digital technologyto prevent occupational risks, the insurance against occupational injuries of digital platform workers, the point of view of European social partners…

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The BG BAU (construction sector insurance association) received the “Leadership and Digital Transformation” award for its innovative project, which uses an artificial intelligence (AI) application for the targeted prevention of accidents at work in companies most in need of advice.