
Register to the EUROGIP 2022 Discussions

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On 5 April 2022, EUROGIP will hold its Discussions on Health and safety at work challenges in a changing world of work.

The conference will be held in a digital version. It will bring together many occupational health and safety stakeholders involved in these developments and representing: Community bodies, European social partners, insurers against accidents at work and occupational diseases in neighbouring countries, occupational risk prevention organisations in France or in other countries, companies, etc.

Simultaneous translation into French and English will be provided.

Registration is free of charge, but is mandatory via the website.

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The “Institut maritime de prévention” (IMP), supported by the  CNPMEM (maritime fisheries and marine farming Committee), has launched an interactive video on safety at work on board fishing vessels. It is aimed at professional sailors, teachers and students at maritime schools, and all those involved in risk prevention in the maritime environment.