Community news|11/03/19

Risk Assessment: OiRA for hairdressers explained in a new video

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Risk Assessment: OiRA for hairdressers explained in a new video

EU-OSHA has teamed up with Europe’s hairdressing sector – coiffure and UniEuropa to produce a new video showing how to reduce occupational safety and health risks with the help of OiRA, the Online interactive Risk Assessment tool.

The video complements a recently published infographic on risk assessment with OiRA.

Hairdressers face a variety of risks such as musculoskeletal issues linked to working postures and skin problems due to wet work and dealing with cosmetics. OiRA tools offer free and easy to apply solutions to these everyday occupational health threats.

The video is subtitled in the languages of the countries where an OiRA hairdressers tool already exists.

Check out the video , the infographic and the available tools


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