Community news|03/03/14

Safety in the use of chemical products at work: toward the ratification of the ILO convention

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Safety in the use of chemical products at work: toward the ratification of the ILO convention

Decision 2014/52/EU of 28 January 2014 authorized the EU Member States to ratify convention No. 170 of the 1990 International Labour Organization (ILO) concerning safety in the use of chemical products at work. This convention concerns in particular the prevention of occupational diseases and occupational injuries due to chemical products, and stronger protection for citizens and the environment.

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OSH: issues and prospects at the heart of a EUROGIP seminar in Brussels

At an internal seminar in Brussels in mid-January, the EUROGIP team discussed occupational health and safety (OHS) in Europe with Bozica Matic (European Parliament EMPL Committee) and Ignacio Doreste (ETUC). These discussions shed light on the legislative dynamics and future priorities for worker protection.