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Statistical review of occupational injuries – FRANCE 2013 data

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Statistical review of occupational injuries – FRANCE 2013 data


Within the set of statistical data relating to accidents at work and occupational diseases in the European Union Members States, EUROGIP publishes the 2013 data for France (Private sector).

The number of recognized accidents at work, with at least 1 day off work, declined from 720,150 cases in 2007 to 618,263 in 2013. The number of fatal accidents has also declined since 2007 from 622 to 541 cases. Commuting accidents accounted for 93,363 cases incurring at least one day off work. There were 306 fatal commuting accidents.

As for the number of recognized occupational diseases, it falls, from a peak of 80,331 cases in 2011 to 68,120 cases in 2013.

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