Community news|28/09/18

Statistics on accidents at work in the EU

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Statistics on accidents at work in the EU

According to data published by Eurostat in June 2018, just over 3.2 million non-fatal accidents at work resulted in at least four days of absence in 2015 in the EU-28.

This figure is slightly lower than in 2014: -0,3% (-9 118 accidents). Three-quarters of non-fatal workplace accidents resulted in superficial injuries and injuries, dislocations, sprains and strains or concussions and internal injuries. The construction, industry, transport and storage, and agriculture, forestry and livestock sectors accounted for just under half (44.9%) of all non-fatal accidents at work in 2015.

Fatal accidents at work, which numbered 3,876 in 2015, increased by 2.7% (+102) compared to 2014, representing a ratio of about 830 accidents to one fatal accident in 2015. The difference between men and women was even more pronounced than for non-fatal accidents, with 19 out of 20 cases involving men. In terms of standardised incidence rates, there was an average of 2.38 fatal accidents per 100,000 people employed in 2015 in the EU-28 and 1,642 non-fatal accidents.

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