
SWEDEN: focus on fatal accidents over the period 2013-2023

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWEDEN: focus on fatal accidents over the period 2013-2023

A new report from Afa Försäkring lists 196 fatal accidents at work between 2013 and 2023, 80% of them in the private sector. In 2023 there will be 24 more fatalities than in the previous year.

It should be noted that Afa Försäkring covers 9 out of 10 employees in Sweden in companies with group insurance. These data therefore differ slightly from those collected by the Swedish Work Environment Authority, to which all fatal accidents in Sweden must be reported.

The report excludes road accidents (including those involving certain forklift trucks, which are covered by car insurance), accidents at work and occupational diseases. It shows that the sectors most affected are industry (42 fatalities), construction (37), commercial transport (25) and agriculture/forestry (12). Most of the victims were men. The main victims were workers aged 56-64 (52) and 46-55 (46), followed by those aged 26-35 (34). The main causes were falls from a height (30), falling objects (21), crushing (14) and machinery accidents (13).

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