
SWEDEN: new report on serious occupational injuries and long-term sick leave

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWEDEN: new report on serious occupational injuries and long-term sick leave

According to Afa Försäkring’s 2023 report, which has just been published, the total number of serious accidents at work increased in 2021, returning to the same level as in 2019, with 2.6 accidents per 1,000 employees compared with 2.4 in 2020. The risk of long-term sick leave has also increased.

In total, Afa recognised 63,030 occupational injuries in 2021, including :

  • 53,881 accidents at work, of which 11,783 were serious, i.e. resulting in more than 30 days off work or equivalent recovery time, medical disability or death,
  • 371 occupational illnesses,
  • 8,778 road accidents.

Falls (slipping, tripping, loss of balance or other reasons) remain the most frequent cause of serious accidents; falls from a height in construction, metallurgy or other industrial work for men, and falls from a level, particularly in the health and care professions for women.

Long-term sick leave is due in particular to psychosocial and musculoskeletal risks. The risk of long-term sick leave increases for women over 36 and decreases for younger women. For men, the risk has increased in all age groups.

The report is based on Afa Försäkring’s statistics from declarations received. Information is stored on around 15 million insurance cases from the early 1970s to the present day.

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