
SWEDEN: What is the risk of suicide among men according to their occupational group?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWEDEN: What is the risk of suicide among men according to their occupational group?

Published on December 18, 2024, a new Swedish study has identified the occupational groups most at risk of suicidal behavior. To do so, researchers from the University of Göteborg followed over 1.5 million Swedish male workers aged 25 to 65 between 2002 and 2019.

This national cohort study reveals that occupations involving manual tasks and difficult working conditions present increased risks of suicide, attempted suicide or non-mortal self-harm.

The occupations most at risk are :

  • elementary occupations (cleaners, janitors, etc.), with a 60% higher risk of suicidal behavior than the overall incidence rate for the population studied,
  • food production workers (bakers, butchers, etc.),
  • construction workers (welders, sheet metal workers, etc.),
  • store service, care and sales staff (nurses, home helps, etc.),
  • mechanical and transport workers (assemblers, cab drivers, etc.).

The researchers recommend studying the links between occupation and suicidal risk to better understand these factors and develop appropriate prevention measures.

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