
SWITZERLAND: 34 people reintegrated and CHF 10 million saved in one year thanks to a new programme

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWITZERLAND: 34 people reintegrated and CHF 10 million saved in one year thanks to a new programme

By creating a financial incentive for employers, in the past 13 months the Suva has provided companies with CHF 560,000 worth of support for the reintegration of accident victims, and this has enabled it to save more than CHF 10 million in future pension payments. The insured benefit from these savings in the form of lower premiums. In 2017, the Suva has to place in reserve CHF 349,000 in capital on average for each new pension granted for life.

The system has enabled companies to reintegrate 34 accident victims into working life in the last 13 months, including 15 people in the building sector and 19 in industry and crafts and trades. The average age of the people in question is 50; the youngest is aged 27 and the oldest 65.
Thanks to this measure, when people are not entitled to rehabilitation measures financed by the disability insurance organization or if, for another reason, the disability insurance organization does not provide these services, the Suva can provide financial benefits within the framework of its reintegration programme. The required condition is that the reintegration measure must be financially profitable for the Suva. The programme is intended especially for older employees and people without training.

The Suva extended its incentive system in September 2016 following a conclusive demonstration trial. It covers the costs involved in reintegration up to CHF 20,000, and in particular the costs of adaptation of the work station, training and expenses related to fitness tests. If the reintegration is successful, the organization may also pay the company a reward of CHF 20,000. The Suva thus helps to protect the employment of accident victims and also supports new recruits.

“Good cooperation between the employer and the Suva, and the motivation of the accident victim, are essential for successful reintegration,” stresses Peter Diermann, head of the Suva’s insurance benefits sector. This is confirmed by the employers who have benefited from the system.

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