
SWITZERLAND: The Suva broadens its offer of incentives for reintegration

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWITZERLAND: The Suva broadens its offer of incentives for reintegration

The biggest compulsory accident insurance organization in Switzerland, the Suva, has put in place a new system of incentives for the reintegration of accident victims which will benefit a larger number of insured workers and companies.

The offer now also addresses companies which reintegrate their own employees after an accident, unlike the former system which was reserved for companies having created a new work station for a worker who is an accident victim. “We prefer to give our insured a perspective rather than a pension”, says Peter Diermann, head of the insurance benefits sector at the Suva.

With the new system of incentives, the Suva can offer up to 20,000 francs of coverage for each reintegration. “This amount covers adaptation of the work station, and initiation or a training course making it possible to change activity or obtain a new job”, adds Peter Diermann. An award of 20,000 francs can also be paid if the measure is successful. 

The “Incentives for reintegration in the enterprise” programme replaces the “Occupational Reintegration Initiative” project by which the Suva reintegrated 180 insured and saved 30 million francs in pension payments over the past five years.

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