Community news|02/05/18

The Commission publishes a guide to application of the PPE 2016/425 Regulation

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The Commission publishes a guide to application of the PPE 2016/425 Regulation

In a similar manner to the Guide to application of the 89/686/EEC Directive relating to personal protective equipment (PPE), this guide, available since the month of April, aims to provide information facilitating the interpretation of the 2016 Regulation 2016/425 for improved application.

The tables classifying PPE by category have been updated. The problem of interpretation of the transition period (Article 47) between application of the Directive and the Regulation is dealt with by partially carrying over the information provided in the latest publications of the European Commission.

It is nevertheless regrettable that some expressions are still confusing, and some subtleties are not easily understandable by someone who has not actively (and assiduously) followed the discussions concerning this thorny issue.

Guide to application of the 2016 Regulation

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