News, Standardization|28/06/21

FRANCE: The involvement of the Occupational Injuries Branch of the Social Security in OHS standardisation in 2020

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: The involvement of the Occupational Injuries Branch of the Social Security in OHS standardisation in 2020

The “accidents at work/occupational diseases” Branch of the French Social security system has been involved for many years in the development of occupational health and safety (OHS) standards. Indeed, prevention is one of its missions and standards make it possible to integrate it from the product design phase.

Thus, in 2020, 77 experts (CARSAT, CRAMIF, INRS and EUROGIP) participated, as public policy bearers, in the development or monitoring of nearly 344 draft standards dealing with OHS aspects within 36 European technical committees (CEN/CENELEC), 20 international committees (ISO/IEC) and 25 French commissions.

The Branch is actively involved in the development or revision of design standards, measurement and test method standards, as well as in new fields related to prevention in the workplace. Among the subjects monitored in 2020 are:  personal noise protectors – hearing protectors, locking/interlocking devices, eye and face protection equipment, prevention of accidents of electrical origin.

EUROGIP, whose mission is to coordinate the standardisation activity of the Occupational Injuries Branch, publishes an annual report intended for the branch’s stakeholders as well as an extract for a wider public.

Download the extract of the 2020 activity report (in French)


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