Non-binding guide to good practice for understanding and implementing Directive 92/57/EEC on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites

EUROGIP produced this guide for the European Commission. By explaining the directive and giving good practice suggestions and examples, it aims to assist all parties involved in construction, including clients, project supervisors, designers, contractors, coordinators and other employees, workers, suppliers in the following areas: in understanding and implementing the general principles of prevention (chapter 1); in understanding the safety and health requirements of the directive including when and to what it applies, the duties and roles of stakeholders and the documentation that is required (chapter 2); by identifying typical risks to which people working on a building site are exposed (chapter 3); in managing risks throughout the duration of projects, from project preparation into the post-construction stage (chapter 4); by summarizing the duties of stakeholders by stages (chapter 5).