
What impact would the Machinery Regulation have on different economic operators?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > What impact would the Machinery Regulation have on different economic operators?

The current directive establishes a regulatory framework with a view to ensuring the free movement of machinery in the European internal market and a high level of protection of the users and other exposed persons.

Various impact studies initiated in 2016 with the interested parties concluded that there was a need to improve, simplify and adapt the text to the market’s needs. Accordingly, on 21 April 2021 the European Commission published a proposal for a regulation on machinery and related products.

By proposing a regulation, it avoids the complexity involved in the transposition of a directive. All aspects of the new machinery regulation, once adopted, will become applicable in each European Union Member State.

This focus study analyses the major changes that would be created by this new regulation for various economic operators.

It is important to note that the points mentioned could evolve by the time the final version of the regulation is published. The discussions now being held on the level of the European Council and the European Parliament are expected to continue until the second half of 2022.

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