
What recognition of Covid-19 as an occupational injury in Europe in 2022?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > What recognition of Covid-19 as an occupational injury in Europe in 2022?

EUROGIP publishes a new Focus on the possibilities of recognizing Covid-19 as an accident at work and/or occupational disease (AW/OD) in these nine countries: Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Sweden.

This Focus therefore updates the document that EUROGIP published in May 2020, now that the provisions have stabilized. A table summarizes the provisions, which are then presented in more detail by country. Among the main findings, it should be noted that:

  • Most of the occupational injury insurers have integrated SARS-COV-2 infection into their existing recognition scheme;
  • Seven countries out of the nine covered offer a recognition of Covid-19 as an occupational disease, or even also as an accident at work according to specific criteria (Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden); recognition is only done as an accident at work in Spain and in Italy;
  • Care workers, in a more or less broad sense depending on the country, benefit everywhere from a legal or de facto presumption of occupational origin.
  • No derogatory compensation scheme has been created.

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