
Working during periods of extreme heat: What is the situation in Europe?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Working during periods of extreme heat: What is the situation in Europe?

In this period of persistent high temperatures in certain regions, EUROGIP invites you to (re)discover the 2nd episode of its new video series, “Les discussions d’Eurogip”, devoted to the challenges of health and safety at work in this climatic context.

Four speakers representing the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), the French Directorate-General for Labour (DGT) and EUROGIP discuss the following main topics:

  • Periods of extreme heat and risks in the workplace
  • How is extreme heat measured?
  • What does the European legislation say?
  • What concrete measures at the Community level?
  • A specific directive?
  • And in France, what is the situation?

Watch the video (25′) and consult the resources available:

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