
2017-2018 strategic guidelines of the AFNOR OSH strategic policy committee

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > 2017-2018 strategic guidelines of the AFNOR OSH strategic policy committee

The AFNOR strategic policy committee on “Occupational Safety and Health” (CoS SST) has presented its new guidelines for 2017-2018. Two new features should be noted: the guidelines cover not one but two years, and they support the central themes of the 2016-2020 Health and Safety at Work Plan (PST3). This plan, based on close cooperation between the government, the social partners and the occupational injury and disease insurance organization, gives priority to primary prevention and to the development of a workplace safety culture.

Thus, the CoS SST:

  • Will act upstream on the design of equipment and workplaces, for example by making sure to consolidate the consistency and quality of the ad hoc harmonized standards produced in various bodies. It will also invite the standardization committees to improve, in the standards, the requirements relating to instruction manuals for work equipment by taking into account feedback from the users.
  • It will identify and will ensure the promotion of standards and standardization work designed to assist firms and risk prevention stakeholders in risk assessment and the analysis of work situations.
  • It will urge standardization committees to take into account ergonomic aspects for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.
  • It will invite standardization committees to provide firms with suitable standards to support active ageing, both to analyse the situation and to take action, for example by arranging ergonomic work stations.
  • It will invite standardization committees to contribute to work on so-called “smart” personal protective equipment (PPE) and its compatibility. It will keep a watch on European and international work which could have an impact on occupational safety and health, thereby contributing to help firms establish effective risk prevention.
  • It will pay special attention to emerging risks by ensuring an active presence on themes liable to have an impact on occupational safety and health, such as the factory of the future, the circular economy and services.
  • It will identify normative documents on guard rails, ladders, scaffolding and workplace design in support of the central theme of PST3 aiming to enhance the safety design of construction sites and other workplaces and ensure the promotion of a work environment conducive to health.

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