Community news|30/04/24

2026-2028: the “Healthy Workplaces” campaign will focus on mental health at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > 2026-2028: the “Healthy Workplaces” campaign will focus on mental health at work

While the “Healthy Workplaces” 2023-2025 campaign on “Safety and health at work in the digital age” is in full swing, EU-OSHA is already preparing the next one. In 2026-2028, it will address the issue of mental health at work.

This will be the 9th campaign organised under the slogan “Safety and health at work is everyone’s business. It’s good for you. It’s good for business”. The campaign is expected to focus on “new or neglected occupational groups, sectors and areas”. The aim will be to raise awareness of the impact of a good working environment on mental health, to increase practical knowledge about the prevention of psychosocial risks, and to promote an assessment of these risks.

The European Agency is already conducting a research project (2022-2025) to provide reliable, in-depth information on these subjects, as well as a parallel initiative on the health and social care sector. This work is also contributing to the European Commission’s efforts to promote a Global Approach to Mental Health.

Find out more about the “Healthy Workplaces” campaigns

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