Community news|14/04/16

28 April 2016: World OSH Day devoted to stress

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > 28 April 2016: World OSH Day devoted to stress

wcms 467262The World Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Day, celebrated on 28 April each year, will have as its theme in 2016, “Workplace stress: a collective challenge”.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), “workplace stress is now generally recognized as a global problem affecting all occupations and all workers in both developed and developing countries. In this complex environment, the workplace is a major source of psychosocial risks and, at the same time, the ideal place to deal with them in order to protect workers’ health and well-being.”

Causes, impacts, the legal framework, prevention strategies, foreseeable future scenarios, etc. are all topics covered in a report published by the ILO on the occasion of this World Day.

The International Organization’s future action in the area of stress will aim to:

  • support research, awareness raising, education, the sharing of good practices, and the development of global skills and strategic partnerships in coordination with other international organizations, national and regional policymakers and expert networks;
  • support the translation of research into practice, by promoting education and training;
  • support the harmonization of national lists of occupational diseases by providing additional information based on the ILO list of occupational diseases;
  • support the integration of psychosocial risk assessment and management into OSH management systems;
  • facilitate labour relations at the international level for the prevention of work-related stress and disseminate the results among the ILO’s mandators;
  • promote globally an integrated approach to workplace safety and well-being, by combining health at work and the promotion of health in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO).


Report on “Workplace Stress: a collective challenge” 


Presentation on “Workplace Stress: a collective challenge” 


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