
Negative vote on the ISO 45001 draft standard

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Negative vote on the ISO 45001 draft standard

In mid-May, the ISO 45001 draft international standard on “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use” was rejected. Of the 58 member bodies called on to vote, 28% voted against, including France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada and the United States.

Regarding this, let us give a recap of the rules for voting on a draft international standard. The members (P) of the technical committee which produced the draft are required to vote. The text is approved if a two-thirds majority of these members declare themselves for it and no more than one-quarter of all the votes expressed are against it. In the case of the ISO/DIS 45001 draft, the first condition is clearly met, because 71% (or more than 66.66%) of the 56 P-Members voted for it; but the second condition is not, because 28% of all the votes expressed (i.e. the 56 P-Members, Estonia which is an observer and the United Kingdom which acts as secretariat for the TC) were against. 

An international meeting is scheduled for early June in Toronto, to analyse the 3000 comments received and consider what to do next: Launch another draft? Downgrade the text to a technical report? Stop the draft? To be continued…

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