Community news|03/05/17

What worker participation in the management of occupational safety and health?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > What worker participation in the management of occupational safety and health?

This study, published by the European Risk Observatory of EU-OSHA, is mainly devoted to the issue of the representation of workers’ interests in the area of occupational safety and health (OSH) from the viewpoint of the representatives themselves, their colleagues, and their employers and managers.

It is based on in-depth interviews carried out in 143 different organizations in seven EU Member States: Belgium, Spain, Estonia, Greece, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Sweden. In the great majority of cases, these organizations took part in the ESENER-2 survey and represent, in similar proportions:

  • the private manufacturing sector, the public sector and the private service sector;
  • three categories of enterprise size: small, medium-sized and large.

This analysis was supported by the examination of publications, further interviews carried out with informers from key organizations, and an additional quantitative evaluation of the relevant data of the ESENER-2 survey.

The study “highlights indicators of a growing divergence between the legislation and practices currently prevailing in the workplace”.Résumé en français


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