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Constructiv and Fedris launched a national awareness and prevention campaign “Face à l’amiante, ne prenez pas de risques. Des solutions existent” (face to asbestos, don’t take any risks. Solutions exist) for the construction sector and private individuals.
“Without realizing it, asbestos is still present around us. There are therefore still significant risks of exposure to this dangerous fibre at present. That is why we must work together with those on the ground to improve prevention,” said Maggie De Block, Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health. Solutions exist; this is the positive message that the campaign will convey.
Many old houses are now being renovated and, at the same time, the life span of most asbestos-containing materials is coming to an end, which can lead to the release of fibres that were originally firmly attached. As a result, the risk of exposure increases for both individuals and construction professionals.
The campaign includes television spots, a “Checkamiante” mobile application, a general leaflet on the campaign and a dedicated website.