
Social protection for platform workers: a new EUROGIP report

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Social protection for platform workers: a new EUROGIP report

The new EUROGIP report is entitled: “Platform workers: what status for what social protection? Characteristics – European initiatives – Situation in 6 European countries”.

Platform work is bringing about profound changes in the world of work. The consequences for working conditions are major, with blurred boundaries between employees and self-employed… This transformation has been taking place rapidly, thanks to the flourishing development of technology and the massive use of new applications. But regulation has not kept pace, leaving workers often without social security coverage and in “grey areas”.

However, platform work is not free of occupational risks, whether they are common to other professions (MSD, road risk, for example), or linked to the very characteristics of these new jobs, such as the pressure linked to the continuous evaluation system, the need to perform as many tasks as possible, “algorithmic management”, etc.

In order to find concrete solutions to the challenges arising from platform work, the European Commission proposed at the end of 2021 a set of measures – including a Directive – to ensure that the workers concerned “can enjoy the labour rights and social benefits to which they are entitled”.

The EUROGIP report is structured around the following chapters:

  • Characteristics of platform work and analysis of the phenomenon,
  • Occupational risks to which workers are exposed,
  • Difficulty in determining an occupational status on which the social protection of workers depends,
  • Overview of Community regulatory initiatives in recent years,
  • Commission proposal for a directive on improving working conditions on platforms,
  • Situation (laws, case law) in 6 countries: France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, UK.

Download the report (available in French only but with a summary in English)


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