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The rate of accidents at work and occupational diseases has been on a downward trend for almost 15 years. This can partly be explained by changes in working patterns, in particular the use of teleworking. However, this is a statistical anomaly that is being investigated by the French Workers’ Compensation Board.
“L’Essentiel 2022 – Santé et sécurité au travail” reveals 564,189 accidents at work, 89,483 commuting accidents and 44,217 occupational diseases in the area covered by the Occupational Accidents and Diseases branch, representing more than 19 million insured persons and more than 2 million companies. The report also takes stock of the sector’s expenditure, which has increased slightly, and of the prevention initiatives implemented by the network.
“Ensuring the effective management of occupational accidents and their consequences, preventing exposure to these risks and offering services that meet the needs and expectations of our users (employees and employers) will continue to be key priorities in our next management and objectives agreement (COG), which is currently being drawn up”.