Community news|23/03/21

A directory of OSH terms in 25 EU languages

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A directory of OSH terms in 25 EU languages

EU-OSHA provides a structured directory of some 2,000 occupational safety and health (OSH) terms in 25 EU languages, together with synonyms, antonyms and some definitions.

It is possible to search a term online or to download the full thesaurus in Excel format in any of these 25 languages. The thesaurus is integrated into the EU’s terminology database, IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe), which the EU institutions and agencies have been using since 2004.

In parallel, EU-OSHA has developed two multilingual glossaries for specific risks. The aim is to ensure consistent communication of key concepts used in the Healthy Workplaces campaigns. They concern:

EU-OSHA Thesaurus

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