Community news|21/12/23

A European Forum dedicated to AI and the world of work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A European Forum dedicated to AI and the world of work

The European Employment and Social Rights Forum 2023, which took place on 16 and 17 November (in Brussels and online), aimed to explore the potential of AI to create a world where no one is left behind and where technological advances do not compromise workers’ rights.

It was an opportunity to discuss new legislation, such as the proposed Platform Work Directive and the first EU regulation on AI, to stimulate innovation while protecting workers from any negative aspects of technology.

More than 70 speakers – European and national policy-makers, business leaders, social partners and academics – contributed to the Forum. They agreed on the importance of “not fighting technological progress, but establishing clear rules and helping workers to adapt to change”.

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FINLAND: rise in workplace accidents in 2024

In 2024, the number of occupational accidents (OI) in Finland reached 115,000 cases among employees, including 24,000 commuting accidents. Compared with the previous year, this represents a 4% increase in occupational accidents and a 10% rise in commuting accidents. The frequency rate of occupational accidents also increased, reaching 25.4 cases per million hours worked, compared with 24.6 in 2023.



Working conditions report in 2023: EUROGIP’s contribution

Alongside the social partners and prevention organizations, EUROGIP features in the Report of working conditions in 2023, recently published by the French Ministry of Labor. Dedicated to the actions of those involved in occupational risk prevention, this document presents trends in occupational accident rates, as well as the progress made by prevention policies and measures.