Community news, Covid-19 News|21/04/20

A European roadmap to lifting coronavirus containment measures

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A European roadmap to lifting coronavirus containment measures

In mid-April, the Commission and the European Council presented their European “roadmap” to lifting coronavirus containment measures.

Taking into account the specificities of each Member States, it sets out fundamental principles to be respected. It also sets out recommendations such as :

  • Action will be gradual,
  • General measures should progressively become targeted, for example for the most vulnerable groups,
  • The lifting of measures should start with those with a local impact and be gradually extended to measures with a broader geographic coverage, taking into account national specificities.
  • A phased approach to opening internal and external borders,
  • Economic activity should be phased in,
  • Gatherings of people should progressively be permitted, with focus on the specificities of schools, commercial activity, social activity.,
  • Efforts to prevent the spread of the virus should be sustained,
  • Measures should be continuously monitored as there is a risk of a strong resurgence.The Commission announced that it will “develop a recovery plan, based on a revamped proposal for the next long-term EU budget (Multiannual Financial Framework) and including an updated Commission Work Programme for 2020”. This includes enabling the twin transition towards a greener and digital society, and drawing all lessons from the current crisis.

To find out more
EU roadmap

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