
A High Level Expert Group on European Standardisation

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A High Level Expert Group on European Standardisation

The European Commission adopted on 1 September 2022 the decision establishing a High-level Forum (HLF), as announced in its standardisation strategy.

The HLF will include representatives from the countries of the European Economic Area (27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) directly appointed by the competent authorities. A public call for applications will be launched in the coming weeks for all other members of the Forum, 60 in total. A first meeting is planned for the last quarter of 2022.

The Forum will assist the Commission in prioritising the work to be carried out in relation to existing European strategies: Green Pact, digital, artificial intelligence, electronic chips…

A number of elements seem to point in the direction of greater intervention by the Commission in the standardisation system at EU level, including:

  • the re-launch of the HAS consultant system
  • increased European funding to support stakeholders in their commitment to standardisation
  • an evolution of the general framework on harmonised standards, with the systematic introduction of an alternative mechanism to standards, “technical specifications” that the European Commission would develop and approve itself in case of dissatisfaction with standards.

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