Community news|13/05/20

A new OSH in Europe barometer

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A new OSH in Europe barometer

EU-OSHA has just launched the first data visualisation tool with up-to-date occupational safety and health (OSH) data in European countries.

The tool consists of four groups of indicators on a range of OSH topics, such as OSH authorities, national strategies, working conditions and OSH statistics. The barometer uses European data sources (Eurostat, Eurofound, EU-OSHA, SLIC) and from national authorities in the countries. It allows to compare data, generate graphics and download reports on specific topics.

The OSH Barometer was developed by EU-OSHA based on upstream work in which EUROGIP with Kooperationsstelle Hamburg IFE contributed on behalf of the European Commission.


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