Community news|05/10/20

A new portal for the assessment and management of risks related to nanotechnologies

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A new portal for the assessment and management of risks related to nanotechnologies

The new Nano Risk Governance Portal is dedicated to the assessment and management of risks related to nanotechnologies. It has been developed within the framework of the EU-funded research project caLIBRAte, led by Professor Keld Alstrup Jensen of the National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA, Denmark).

Nanomaterials open up a variety of perspectives for the work environment. But they are generally more harmful to health than larger particles of the same chemical composition. At the same time, general knowledge on occupational exposure levels is limited. Companies therefore face a great challenge in making the working environment safe at all stages, from development to the final product or even its “disposal”, according to Keld Alstrup Jensen. Over time, a number of risk assessment tools have been developed, based in part on theoretical knowledge and conceptual approaches.

The new portal aims to provide companies with an overview of these tools and their usefulness.

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