Community news|30/01/17

A tool for OSH monitoring of the ageing European workforce

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A tool for OSH monitoring of the ageing European workforce

In 2040, around 27% of the EU’s population will be aged over 65. Against this backdrop, the project entitled “Safer and healthier work at any age“, carried out by EU-OSHA at the request of the European Parliament, explores the existing demographic trends, challenges, strategies and policies in the area of occupational safety and health (OSH) in an ageing society.

The project also underlined the factors facilitating and impeding the implementation of these strategies. A user-friendly, interactive monitoring tool provides easy access to the data available in several languages. In particular, it gives access to five dashboards allowing users to explore the key issues and compare population statistics for the 31 countries explored, at the EU level.

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