Community news|26/07/19

Adoption of several texts within the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights Base

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Adoption of several texts within the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights Base

At the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council of 13 June, the 28 Member States definitively adopted several texts reflecting the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights proclaimed in 2017:

  • the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the EU;
  • the Directive on the work-life balance for parents and carers repealing Directive 2010/18 on parental leave;
  • the Regulation establishing the European Labour Authority and choosing to have its headquarters in Bratislava (Slovakia); the Authority will start its activities in Brussels from October;
  • (non-binding) conclusions on “The changing world of work: Reflections on new forms of work and implications for the health and safety of workers, in particular in relation to digitalisation, robotisation, use of artificial intelligence and the development of the digital platform economy.

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OSH: issues and prospects at the heart of a EUROGIP seminar in Brussels

At an internal seminar in Brussels in mid-January, the EUROGIP team discussed occupational health and safety (OHS) in Europe with Bozica Matic (European Parliament EMPL Committee) and Ignacio Doreste (ETUC). These discussions shed light on the legislative dynamics and future priorities for worker protection.