
AI and occupational health and safety on the agenda of the EUROSHNET conference

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > AI and occupational health and safety on the agenda of the EUROSHNET conference

EUROSHNET – the European network of experts working in prevention organisations in Europe and involved in standardisation, testing and certification – is organizing its 7th conference on 20 October 2022 in Paris on the theme “Artificial Intelligence meets Occupational Safety and Health”. Registration is open and the programme is online.

The conference was originally scheduled for October 2021. However, as one of the objectives was to promote interaction between stakeholders, the EUROSHNET steering committee (including EUROGIP and INRS for France) preferred to postpone the conference because of the health crisis and the impossibility of holding a face-to-face event.

It will be about trust, control, ethics, legal responsibility and technical reliability of the safe use of AI in parallel with human activities. The aim is to show that it is necessary to analyse the potential consequences on work, the opportunities brought as well as the risks generated concerning the health and safety of workers in order to successfully introduce an AI system at work.

In the final part of the programme, experts and social actors will discuss how standardisation and notified bodies can play a role in regulating these risks and enhancing these opportunities.

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