Community news|06/02/19

Alert and sentinel systems for the identification of work-related diseases in the EU

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Alert and sentinel systems for the identification of work-related diseases in the EU

A new report published by EU-OSHA presents findings on these alert systems, making it possible to define emerging risks for health at work and new work-related diseases.

After analysing 12 systems and consulting experts and stakeholders, recommendations were made to establish and improve these monitoring systems. Based on this report, EU-OSHA publishes five articles – for experts but also for a non-expert audience – which each describe the system in question, its main characteristics, reporting methods, mechanisms to detect new work-related diseases and risks and to raise alerts on various levels, the associated costs and how the collected data are used to inform policy and prevention strategies. 

The articles cover the following systems: THOR, United Kingdom; SIGNAAL, Netherlands/Belgium; SUVA, Switzerland; RNV3P, France; SENSOR-Pesticides Program, USA.

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