Community news|31/10/18

An agreement on the revision of the Carcinogens Directive

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > An agreement on the revision of the Carcinogens Directive

On 11 October the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the second revision of the 2004/37/EC directive concerning the protection of workers against risks related to exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic agents during work.

The Chair of the parliament’s employment committee, Marita Ulvskog (S&D, SE), said: “In a joint effort with the Austrian presidency and with the technical support of the European Commission, we have been able to conclude this pragmatic agreement, thanks to which eight other carcinogenic substances will be covered by the directive, including diesel-engine exhaust gases. We can be proud of this agreement, which will prevent more than 100,000 deaths due to cancer over the next 50 years.” Cancer risk for workers is the main cause of work-related deaths in the EU.

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