Community news|25/05/21

Asbestos: Parliament’s recommendations on worker protection

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Asbestos: Parliament’s recommendations on worker protection

On 27 May, Members will consider the 208 amendments tabled to the draft report with recommendations to the Commission on protecting workers from asbestos. Asbestos, still present in many buildings, is one of the main causes of occupational cancer. It is affecting especially workers from the construction sector.

The motion for a European Parliament Resolution proposes to develop a comprehensive European Strategy for the Removal of All Asbestos (ESRAA), creating synergies with the Renovation Wave, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the New EU Strategic Framework for Health and Safety at Work.

The report seeks to update Directive 2009/148/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work, on timelines for the safe removal of asbestos, minimum standards for public registries and adequate recognition and compensation of victims.

Draft report

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