Abroad, Covid-19 News|04/06/21

AUSTRIA: an update on the Covid-19

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > AUSTRIA: an update on the Covid-19

By the end of May 2021, AUVA reported 11,198 cases of Covid-19, of which: 1,822 were recognised under occupational risk insurance, 986 were refused, 1,042 were closed without a final decision and 7,348 are still open.

In Austria, Covid-19 can be recognised as an infectious disease as stipulated in item 38 of the list of occupational diseases. The legislator has precisely defined the occupational groups concerned. These include employees of health care companies, schools and kindergartens [covered by AUVA] and companies with a similar risk. The advantage for the insured person is that it may be up to the insurance company to prove that it is not an occupational disease.

If recognition as an occupational disease is not possible, recognition as an accident at work is possible. In this case, however, it is up to the insured to prove that he/she contracted Covid-19 in the course of his/her professional activity. This proof is generally more difficult to provide. During a pandemic, the risk of being infected outside or at work is at least as high.

Finally, since December 2020, insured persons with the so-called post-Covid or long Covid syndrome can benefit from three weeks of hospital rehabilitation. In addition to medical and nursing care, AUVA offers individual rehabilitation of the after-effects through respiratory therapy, physical training, physiotherapy and intensive psychological support. Long Covid is often characterised by shortness of breath on exertion, severe fatigue, concentration problems, headaches, loss of smell and taste, etc.

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