
AUSTRIA: AUVA continues its activities

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > AUSTRIA: AUVA continues its activities

In accordance with a legislative decision, on 21 December AUVA announced that as part of the reform of the social security universe in Austria it will continue its activities as an integrated occupational injury and disease insurance institution.

The organization thus keeps its prerogatives regarding the prevention, treatment and re-education of victims, and the payment of benefits. Anton Ofner, president of AUVA, said that: “2018 was a difficult year for us. I am delighted that, through dialogue with the policymakers, we have been able to determine that only the continued existence of AUVA and its four pillars could ensure the highest level of protection against occupational injuries and diseases for all Austrians.”

AUVA insures about 320,000 companies and more than five million people against the economic, health and social consequences of OIs/ODs. Its work is financed almost entirely by corporate contributions. Note that the occupational safety and health contribution rate – the same for all companies – will decrease from 1.3% to 1.2% in 2019.

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