
AUSTRIA: Stepcheck, a workplace addiction prevention program

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The Stepcheck program aims to detect addiction problems at work or at school. The objective is to react at an early stage and in an appropriate manner.

Zero alcohol tolerance has become generally accepted in the working life. However, addiction continues to be a major challenge. Indeed, the borderline between pleasure, abuse and addiction can be difficult to recognize. And certain factors – excessive working hours, stress, fear of losing one’s job, increasing pressure on performance, etc. – can encourage the development of addictions or reinforce existing ones. The risky use of alcohol or other legal and illegal substances can lead to workplace injuries and permanent disability.

The employer has a duty of care. In addition, works councils and safety officers can initiate addiction prevention programs in collaboration with him, with senior management, occupational physicians, occupational psychologists, etc. Stepcheck is an example of such a program, implemented in Upper Austria.

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