
AUSTRIA: Vocational reintegration works!

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AUVA’s statutory missions include the rehabilitation of victims of accidents at work or occupational diseases. Every year, it deals with more than a thousand requests for professional and social reintegration.

AUVA can grant subsidies to employers, enabling the person undergoing rehabilitation to receive the same salary as before the occupational injury, and to employees. It can also provide retraining measures or car loans, housing assistance and “other measures”. The AUVA has analysed the effectiveness of these different schemes that it finances.

The analysis was based on a sample of 100 beneficiaries in 2013 of a nonemployer-funded occupational reintegration measure. They represented 37 occupations. The aim was to find out whether, after this measure, they had remained in the same company, whether they had an income comparable to “before”, whether they carried out the activities for which they had been trained.

The results showed that about three out of four rehabilitations were undeniably successful. This means that the beneficiaries of a retraining measure are able to apply what they have learned in the targeted sectors; where this is not directly the case, they have a comparable or even better income than before the occupational injury.

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